Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Moving, laundry, and Captain Bumbo!

And the list goes on and on. Our life is so hectic right now we really have no brains left. Unfortunately decisions and life still goes on. We are in the process of closing on the old house, closing on a new house and packing and moving and living and watching this little boy grow all at the same time!

He is growing bigger everyday. He is beginning to use his voice a lot, he screams! Screams! Not in turmoil or because he is hurt, I guess he just likes being loud. Let's hope this is a "stage". He has also started on solid foods. He loves squash and bananas. He recently tried peas and he made the most awful face and spit them out and down his chin they went. Besides that he really is the best boy I could have ever wished for.

I can touch my toes!

I can eat my toes!

Captain Bumbo to the rescue!

I as Mommy like to say Captain "Dumbo". This hat is actually a chair that helps Keoni sit up until he can learn to sit upright on his own, it's a called a Bumbo. It's really helpful.

Helping Mom with the laundry, lots to do!

By the way. . . I cut my hair off. So much less hair to get out of the tight grasp of one little boy.