Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm not doing nothing. . .maybe.

" You think I did what? I'm insulted."

" I'm just reading. "

" Maybe. . ."

Now that he is about to crawl I find him in all kinds of places. Mostly behind or between furniture. Right now he gets on his hands and knees and rocks forward and back. He has put one knee forward on occasion. That's mostly when he's trying to get to the dvd player. He gets around backwards. He pushes himself backwards with his hands while lying on his stomach. He is quick! I never saw someone go so fast while going backwards. I can't imagine how quick he'll be when he starts going forward.

Bbq at Aunty T's

Memorial day weekend was a beautiful weekend. The weather here is just wonderful. The house is getting a little hot but the basement is nice and cool and we are doing good. So we have decided what better way to spend our beginning Summer days than going garage sale crazy! They are everywhere! Keoni isn't so happy with getting in and out of his carseat but as long as I have a few snacks and a cold sippy cup of apple juice/water he does pretty good.

That sunday Teruko invited us to her house for a little bbq fun. Keoni loved the hammock swing she had in her backyard. He also loves squealing at her dogs, Mabel and Georgie. We sometimes stop by to let Keoni have some doggy time. We are thinking we will get a dog when Keoni turns 3 or 4. A dog would be an exciting present for his birthday at that time. I'm thinking I should at least wait until Keoni is potty trained.

So here's the pics. Enjoy!

Georgie is just small enough for Keoni to get excited at and not be scared.

Here's Keoni doing his Mom I want some food dance.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

An afternoon at the park.

Sunday was such a lovely day Bryan and I decided to walk to the park with Keoni. It had infant swings and a lot of other kids running around. Keoni loves to watch other kids. I can see in his little eyes and his constantly moving legs that he can't wait to be mobile. I am going to have my hands full I just know it.

Peek-a-boo! I see you!

Grass is so nice to play with.

Aw Mom do we have to go?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

As my Dad has said 9 in and 9 out.

Which means Keoni was in my tum 9 (actually 10) months and he's been out of my tum for 9 months.

His first bath at home, 2.5 weeks old.

He's always loved the water, just like his mommy.

With his Daddy holding him, 1.5 weeks old.

With his Grandpa on an ATV.

With his Great Grandma 3 weeks old.

With his Great Grandma 8 months old.

Holey moley how time flies. . .

Friday, May 8, 2009

Keoni goes camping.


Last weekend we went camping. There was Keoni, me and Bryan, Kayla, her brother Kylie and a good friend of mine, Teruko with her son Adan and another friends daughter, Sophie. We all got there on Friday afternoon and the weather was beautiful. I decided this was the time to take pictures. The weather was not going to hold out for the weekend. Hey! We're in Oregon! So I took pics whenever I got a chance and Keoni was absolutely loving it when we first arrived. You can tell by his huge grin. He did really well and loved hanging out with Teruko's two cutie-pie dogs, Mabel and George.

So as we all expected we woke to heavy rain in the middle of the night and it continued into the morning. I think Keoni and I were the only ones that stayed warm that night. When we all woke the next day it was so wet and I was not enduring this well with Keoni. He was fine for the most part but I didn't want to risk getting him sick. Bryan made a fire and we hung out for a bit. The kids started to venture off in all directions. I went back into the tent for a nice morning nap with Keoni. Around noon it started getting nice but I had already made the executive mommy decision that we would not stay another night and we should go home. Suprisingly most of us thought that would be best. So we enjoyed the sun, the campfire and Bryan playing guitar for awhile and then as soon as it became cold, blustery, and rainy again we said, "adios" to the yuck and headed back to town. Everything soaked to the bone! Bryan and Teruko just threw it all in wherever it would fit and decided to sort it out later.

We all ended up at our house and a slumber party was the only way to make up for the missed night of camping. It was great. We made burgers and rented movies. The parents passing out after the first movie. Kids. . .where do they get their energy?

Have a great Summer!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Keoni waves and sleeps in his crib.

My little man turned 9 months yesterday and he is such a great little guy! He had his check up yesterday and he now weighs 18.5lbs and is 29 inches long. Healthy and happy! (except for at bedtime, a whole other story)

He now says Mom and Dad, on occasion he says hi and he definitely knows bye-bye! He waves his little hand and says bye-bye! It is the sweetest thing I ever saw. He now has 3 upper teeth with a fourth coming in on his right. He also has two on the bottom. He loves to eat! He is definitely his Daddy's (and Mommy's for that matter) kid. Loves beef, cheese, squash, bananas and a whole lot more. He is still working on crawling but loves to pull himself up to a standing position. He is a big flirt, making all the girls of any age goo and ga at him. His little sweet smile and big green, hazely eyes.

Now for the craziness. Keoni has slept in our bed since he was born but I felt it was time for him to sleep in his crib. I tried to have him in his crib at 3 months but it broke my heart, I couldn't do it. So tonight is the 4th night and he went to sleep within minutes. Thank goodness! It doesn't always go that way. The first night he cried for hours but this is something I think will be good for all of us in the long run. My mom said it's hard for them to be in their own bed wether 9 months or 2 years. That helped with my feeling of guilt and terribleness. He was teething last night and woke up every two hours. I didn't lose much sleep when he was born because he slept with us but I am making up for it now!