Thursday, November 12, 2009

Keoni's 15th Month Checkup.

This pic is from his 12 month check-up.
Monday the 9th was Keoni's 15th month checkup.

Keoni has grown a 1-1/2" to be a whoppin' tall boy of 33 1/4 ".

He has gained 3 1/2lbs. to make him 24 1/2 lbs. He does seem a lot heavier lately!
He has grown so much since his 1 year check-up. It's so amazing. He is now in the 50%tile for weight. He was always in the 25%. He is and has been the past 2 check-ups in the 95% for height.

He got 3 shots which are always not fun for him. He did pretty well this time considerng I stopped breastfeeding at 13 months and I could just hand him his bottle as soon as he became upset, that helped a lot. He just needed some immediate comfort from a good old fashioned "ba". He got a round of the chickenpox vaccine and I think it made for a very grumpy and tired and not feeling so good little boy this week. He is extremely clingy, actuallty it could be he's working hard at trying to walk, because he is also waking at 6am. Oh lordy-be!

He continues to make steps using furniture and pushing boxes and misc. toys around.
The words he says consistently are ma, dad, juice, bye and ba, which I guess isn't a word but it means bottle. We've heard him say grandpa, grandma, I luv you, dog, and shoe. He also whispers and growls.

He loves Mickey Mouse Playhouse and smiles and laughs at the cartoon.

He loves to drum, I mean LOVES to drum. He will also sing and dance when he hears a good tune.

He climbs so much! He can now get on all furniture and he tries to get up on the dining room table. He does if I don't get there in time!

I can't believe the moments and fun in store for us. Lol. Everyone around says he's such a happy boy! He has so much energy! and what a flirt! I think he may take after his Dad . . . : ) ya, think?

I feel like the luckiest Mommy in the world because of him.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Our Backyard.

Keoni seemed to be getting a little stir crazy today and I saw a little blue sky outside and took advantage of it. I put some sweats and a hoodie on him and he was out of there. He loved being outside, suprisingly he even enjoyed the grass. He usually stays off of it.

After he played on the porch for a bit he started making his way down the steps.
Keoni style - backwards.

Almost there.

Oh yeah, he's got it. He's a climber all right.

Loved the swing too.

I mean LOVED the swing.

He sat on the steps for a few moments and then decided to clean off the leaves . . . one by one.

He used a big leaf to sweep them off.

Then he climbed up his slide.

I was starting to feel a little chilly so I figured he probably was cold too and so I took us inside.

I don't think he cared one bit that it was cold. When I took him inside he was SO mad. He cried and kicked and threw such a fit!

Here he's trying to open the door mid fit.

He did calm after a few good minutes of having a fit, he decided to look at a book.
Thank goodness!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We spent early Halloween evening at the mall. Keoni's first trick or treat included. . .
Helicopter flying

Being pulled in a wagon by Daddy.

Trying to take Grandpa's red nose off.

Attempting to eat through a 3 musketeers candy bar wrapper.

Many suckers, this one is orange. . .

this one's green. Grandpa kept saying he was dropping them and needed a new one. I'm not so sure. The next one I saw him with was purple.


Monkey Keoni, Grandpa Extremo and Mommy with a bride of Frankenstein wig.

Monkey boy heading for the playyard.

Now this is fun!

He got hot from playing, so off his costume went.

Bottle break before heading home.

This was a pic of costume that almost was. He was going to be a dino-monkey-boy.