Friday, January 29, 2010

I cut Keoni's hair.

and it looks like it.

I cut his hair a few days ago. His bangs were crooked and each side above his ears compared to one another were different lengths. I thought it looked pretty lop-sided and it was still a little too long so I decided to cut a little more. . .well, I thought it was lop-sided then. . . I should have left it alone. Luckily he's so cute that no one will probably notice, right? Here's the pics, I'm still not sure if I'll post the side view, I'm still thinking about it.

A few before pics, his hair was getting pretty shaggy.

After - I evened out the bangs, believe me this is better.

I think the back looks good, maybe a little short.

So you can't laugh now, only a little maybe. Here's his "good" side. Not too bad right?

Here's his not so good side. . .

My poor baby, all he's trying to do is grow a head of hair!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Disco Baby!

Here's my dancing baby. Having some fun with his Daddy!

First week part 2

So onto sharing a few more moments of Keoni' first week of 2010. . .

He tried to drink milk from a cup.

Somewhat successfully.

He hung out with Dad in the band room.
He lounged around teething on a pillow in his new Mickey Mouse pj's grandma got him.

He played in our backyard on a somewhat warm day.

He's all over the place. Except for near the fence where our neighbor's puppy sits and just watches us. Keoni stays away from him, I don't know why. He sees the puppy and says, "doo" , everything is "Doo".

He sweeps the back porch.

Then of course what would a week be without a watching a few toons with Mickey Mouse?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Keoni's first week of 2010. Part 1

We took a good 'ol trip to the Children's Museum compliments of Grandma and Grandpa's birthday present of a one year membership. Yay!

Clifford the big red dog was the theme for this season.

He used the ambulance's radio as a telephone, same thing really, right?

The dig pit is always a success with Keoni.

The fishes are fun to watch too.

And as always we go to the water park last. We go home all wet everytime. The aprons don't quite cut it for this water lover.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I got a treat.

It may seem strange to some but I take a shower with Keoni. It's the only way I am going to get clean unless of course I manage my nighttime time better but I don't so here's the story of my treat.

Bryan had Monday off so I asked him to watch Keoni while I took a shower, alone. I didn't realize what a treat this was until I saw Keoni's toys lying all alone in a line at the back of the bath. The rest of the shower I rejoiced in how nice a shower alone really is.

Thanks hun for watching baby boy. :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Here's my baby ~ calling me a dude, very clearly. . .