Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Some of the past year at the Children's Museum.

Last year about this time my Mom got us a membership to the Children's Museum. It has tons of different sections for kids to explore and pretend in. Here are some of the photos I took over the year. It amazes me how much he has grown!  We had such a great time! Thanks Mom! 

August 2009 - 1 yr old

He is still crawling at this point.

 This part of the water area was the only spot he could reach the water. He didn't fit into the aprons they provide so the kids won't let's say get AS wet as they could. Even when he did fit into the apron he still got himself totally soaked. We always go to the water last so I can wait until home to change him. The other small photo my friend Missy took of Keoni and I in the dig pit. He loves the dig pit, with all the trucks, buckets and shovels and the "dirt" made out of recycled plastic.

Keoni loved the drums then and he still loves them now.

This next visit is just the very next month, September.
Here he is with his friend Elizabeth.

Below are in January 2010. Keoni is 17 months old. 

These photos are of our most recent visit, just a few days ago. He is 23 months and the most active I have ever seen here, stacking blocks, shopping, digging, playing with trains, drumming,  and of course can't leave without playing in the water!

Looking forward to more fun times at the Childrens's Museum this year!

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